~ Gender swap,
a movie review of Rurouni Kenshin~
❓Guess WHO is this?
🌸Tomoe Yukishiro, drawn in Kenshin disguise, as I think the power of female is influential to the story line.
🗡In last series, although disappointed by just a few fighting scenes of @sttkrbb, I love how Tomoe and Kenshin influenced each other.
🥋Do you think female need any disguise to show their own personality and pursuit? Or they could empower themselves too?
👧🏻Are women disguising themselves cool? Or is this a kind of #gender #sterotypes ?
🎨✍️Art and words by @blissblisski
睇完最終章,有點失望,沒有很多 #佐藤健 的打戲,唯一亮點是#劍心 與#雪代巴 刻骨銘心,但又相知相識的淒美愛情故事。
很喜歡#宮崎駿 筆下《風之谷》的娜烏西卡和《幽靈公主》的珊珊,欣賞她們敢於堅持原則,也會保護環境、善待眾生!也喜歡《書劍恩仇錄》中女扮男裝的李沅芷 和 莎士比亞的Viola 。
💕把話題扯遠了,最終章刻骨銘心的愛情很動人,但 劍心與薰 平凡的結局才是現實的寫照吧!
🎨✍️圖文: @blissblisski
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